Public Works FAQ
The Township of Blandford-Blenheim does not directly pay any claims related to vehicle damage. Due to insurance laws, it is recommended that you submit a claim through your insurance and they will review and assign fault as appropriate. You may also submit a claim directly to the Township, however please be aware that all claims received are submitted through insurance and your insurance company will be notified as a result of the investigation. Please include a full written description of the incident causing the damage as well as any receipts for repairs.
If you notice a missing or damaged road sign, please contact the Director of Public Works or the Road Supervisor. If you require a municipal sign for your property, please contact the Township Office.
The Township has many trees in and adjacent to road allowances. Their maintenance requires a great deal of staff time and is a significant expense in the Public Work's budget. Tree conditions are constantly monitored to prioritize maintenance and/or removal. Being environmentally conscious, we appreciate the benefit of trees towards our quality of life. Please contact the Director of Public Works about any trees that you would like Township staff to assess.
For the installation of a new road entrance, an entrance permit is required. Please fill out the permit on the Permits page or contact the Director of Public Works about the installation of new road entrances.
The municipal water and sewage system is operated and maintained by the County of Oxford. For questions or to report any problems, please contact the Water/Wastewater Department at the County of Oxford at 519-539-9800.
The Township is responsible for street lights. To report a street light is out, please contact the Township Office with details. The location of the light, particularly which side of the street and the nearest house number. The six digit pole number (for example BLA58J) is also helpful.
Yes. The Public Works department stockpiles wood chips at the Drumbo Works Yard which are made from tree branches and brush during tree removal operations. When wood chips are available they may be picked up by residents, free of charge, Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Please call the shop at 519-463-5389 for the availability of chips.
Property owners wishing to install an irrigation (sprinkler) system partly on the street boulevard (Township property) need to be aware of certain restrictions and conditions. The Township does not condone and cannot grant permission for property owners to install or have installed an irrigation system on Township property including boulevards.
However, if a property owner wishes to install a sprinkler system partly on the Township boulevard, generally no action will be taken by the Township provided that:
- the public is not inconvenienced in any way due to the installation or operation of the sprinkler system; and,
- the property owner understands that the Township, its agents and authorized utility companies accept no liability for damage to the sprinkler system under any circumstances.
An irrigation system is installed solely at the property owner's risk and expense and under no circumstances will the Township or utility companies be responsible for damages to irrigation systems located on Township-owned road allowances no matter how caused.
Please note that a backflow preventer is required at the connection to the potable water system to prevent possible contamination of the water system. A building permit for plumbing is required for the connection of the irrigation system to the water system.
To assist with snow removal operations, parking is restricted on all Township maintained streets in the urban centres of Bright, Drumbo, Plattsville and Princeton during the winter season. Parking is restricted on these streets from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday from November 1st to March 31st.
Parking on Main Streets maintained by the County of Oxford is restricted from 2:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M. during the same period.
Residents are reminded that it is an offense to deposit snow or ice on a roadway. Snow pushed or blown onto a road creates a hazard to both vehicles and snow removal equipment and can interfere with water flow in ditches.
This practice contravenes the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.H8, S 181, which states “No person shall deposit snow or ice on a roadway without permission in writing to do so from the Ministry or Road Authority responsible for the maintenance of the road”.
The following is the level of service for sidewalk sanding, salting and plowing:
- The minimum level of service for sidewalk plowing is to deploy resources to clear the snow accumulation after becoming aware the snow accumulation on a sidewalk is greater than 8 cm (3”)
- If after the storm has ended, the snow accumulation is greater than 8 cm. the minimum level of service is to clear the snow accumulation to a depth less than or equal to 8 cm. within 48 hours, after becoming aware of the fact whenever reasonably practical
- Sidewalks in school areas and main streets (County Roads) shall be a priority
- Heavy snowfalls or successive storm events may extend this time period
- Sidewalks shall normally be maintained to a compacted snow surface (not bare)
- This level of service does not apply to sidewalks not designated for Winter Control Operations or on walks at Township owned facilities
- Sanding or salting is done when extremely slippery conditions exist. The use of salt may be limited on new sections of sidewalk for one (1) year from the date of installation due to proper concrete curing restrictions. These walks may be treated with sand as an alternative