The Oxford County Community Planning Office provides a variety of planning services for the eight area municipalities that comprise the County. A planner is assigned to the Township of Blandford-Blenheim to respond to development inquires and provide professional planning advice and recommendations on all types of planning applications, including:
Township fees related to building and planning applications are designed, in part, to recover costs associated with processing these applications. A list of planning fees can be found under our Fees and Charges. Depending on the type of structure being built, additional fees may apply.
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) has developed a series of Citizens’ Guides to Land-Use Planning. The guides are user-friendly and provide helpful information about Ontario's planning system. To view or download copies of these guides, please visit MMAH Citizens' Guides to Land Use Planning website.
A minor variance is a small variation from the requirements of the zoning by-law. A minor variance approval is a certificate of permission, because it allows the property owner to obtain a building permit even though their property does not comply precisely with the zoning by-law. Under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act there are four tests a minor variance must meet:
- Is the variance minor?
- Is the variance desirable for the appropriate development of the lands in question?
- Does the variance conform to the general intent of the Zoning By-law?
- Does the variance conform to the general intent of the Official Plan?
The fee for a minor variance application can be found in our current Fees and Charges chart. Prior to submitting your minor variance application and payment, please contact our Planner, Dustin Robson, at 519-539-9800 ext. 3211 or via email at
A zone change is a process that changes the permitted use of land and/or the specific manner in which land is regulated (i.e. setback, height, etc.). A zone change application is required to maintain the intent and purpose of the County Official Plan.
The fee for a zone change can be found in our current Fees and Charges Chart.
If you are applying for a building permit and your property is subject to the Site Plan Control you may be required to enter into a Site Plan Control Agreement with the Township. A site plan control agreement may also be required in conjunction with an application for a zone change, a minor variance, or severance. Depending on the size of the development, specific fees may apply. Please read the Township's Site Plan Control By-law and Site Plan Control Guidelines for additional information.
The fee for a Site Plan Agreement or Site Plan Amendment can be found in our current Fees and Charges Chart. An additional deposit also applies.