The Oxford County Community Planning Office provides a variety of planning services for the eight area municipalities that comprise the County. A planner is assigned to the Township of Blandford-Blenheim to respond to development inquires and provide professional planning advice and recommendations on all types of planning applications, including:
- Official Plan Amendments
- Draft Plans of Subdivision/Condominium
- Consents (Severances)
- Zone Change
- Minor Variances (see drop down below)
- Site Plan Control
Township fees related to building and planning applications are designed, in part, to recover costs associated with processing these applications.
Description | Unit | Subject to HST | 2025 Amount |
Zoning By-law Amendment Application | each | No | $750.00 |
**County fee for Zone change application | each | No | $180.00 |
Removal of Holding Zone Provision | each | No | $650.00 |
**County Fee for Removal of Holding Zone Provision | each | No | $150.00 |
Minor Variance Application | each | No | $700.00 |
**County fee for Minor Variance application | each | No | $130.00 |
Zoning Compliance Information | each | No | $75.00 |
Building Compliance Information | each | No | $75.00 |
Drainage Compliance Information | each | No | $75.00 |
Sign Minor Variance Application | each | No | $300.00 |
Fence Minor Variance Application | each | No | $300.00 |
Site Plan Agreement Application | each | No | $750.00 |
**County fee for Site Plan Application | each | No | $2,600.00 |
Site Plan Agreement Amendment | each | No | $600.00 |
**County fee for Site Plan Amendment | each | No | $1,550.00 |
Environmental Site Assessment Letter | each | No | $75.00 |
Confirmation of uses permitted in zone letters | each | No | $75.00 |
Communication Tower Application | each | No | $750.00 |
Depending on the type of structure being built, additional fees may apply.
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) has developed a series of Citizens’ Guides to Land-Use Planning. The guides are user-friendly and provide helpful information about Ontario's planning system. To view or download copies of these guides, please visit MMAH Citizens' Guides to Land Use Planning website.
A minor variance is a small variation from the requirements of the zoning by-law. A minor variance approval is a certificate of permission, because it allows the property owner to obtain a building permit even though their property does not comply precisely with the zoning by-law. Under Section 45(1) of the Planning Act there are four tests a minor variance must meet:
- Is the variance minor?
- Is the variance desirable for the appropriate development of the lands in question?
- Does the variance conform to the general intent of the Zoning By-law?
- Does the variance conform to the general intent of the Official Plan?
The fee for a minor variance application can be found in our current Fees and Charges chart. Prior to submitting your minor variance application and payment, please contact our Planner, Dustin Robson, at 519-539-9800 ext. 3211 or via email at
A zone change is a process that changes the permitted use of land and/or the specific manner in which land is regulated (i.e. setback, height, etc.). A zone change application is required to maintain the intent and purpose of the County Official Plan.
The fee for a zone change can be found in our current Fees and Charges Chart, above.
If you are applying for a building permit and your property is subject to the Site Plan Control you may be required to enter into a Site Plan Control Agreement with the Township. A site plan control agreement may also be required in conjunction with an application for a zone change, a minor variance, or severance. Depending on the size of the development, specific fees may apply. Please read the Township's Site Plan Control By-law for additional information.
The fee for a Site Plan Agreement or Site Plan Amendment can be found in our current Fees and Charges Chart. An additional deposit also applies.