Parks and Recreation
The Township of Blandford-Blenheim envisions the purpose of the Community Services Department to be:
The ongoing creation and preservation of a Health, Enthusiastic, and Engaged Community, ever guided in all endeavours by the principals of:
- Sustainability
- Inclusivity
- Diversity
- Quality
It is recommended that these 4 principles, (sustainability, inclusivity, diversity, and quality) become the directing values and criteria to meet when making decisions.
Ball Diamonds
Bright Ball Diamond
Drumbo North Ball Diamond
Drumbo South Ball Diamond
Plattsville Ball Diamond
Princeton North Ball Diamond
Princeton South Ball Diamond
Soccer pitches
Drumbo Park
Plattsville Park
Beach Volleyball
Drumbo Park
Drumbo Park
Plattsville Park
Bright Park
Plattsville Park
Tennis and pickleball court
Plattsville Park
Drumbo Park
The Township has a cycling route that takes you throughout the Villages of the Township as well as our amenities. Feel free to contact is if you are part of a group cycling through any village and require use of washroom facilities. Please contact us a week in advance for such requests.
Ride Oxford Cycling Trail Map
Ride Oxford Blandford-Blenheim Map
Ride Oxford Cycling
The Chesney Wilderness Area Trail is a 93 hectare (230 acre) natural area. The path begins at a parking lot where there is an information kiosk with a map. The trail has a hard earth surface with occasional tree roots, and there is also a section of boardwalk. Only walking and skiing are allowed on this trail. This is a 2 kilometre trail having one large loop called the Maple Trail and one small loop called the Hemlock Trail.
The Township has about 55km of the Nith River winding throughout the countryside. Currently there are canoe and kayak access points located on the south side of the bridge on Oxford County Road 42 south of Plattsville and on the north side of County Road 29 across from the east entrance of Clarks Road. As the river goes through high and low water levels throughout the year caution should be taken by the canoeists at all times while planning their trip.
The creation of a Parks & Recreation Master Plan is a planning exercise that will assist with identifying the wishes of residents as they relate to the future direction of the services of Parks & Recreation. Recreation is an all-encompassing, ever-evolving part of our culture and lifestyle. It is important for our Community to have an opportunity to review the direction of the services of Parks & Recreation and to make recommendations for future development.
Please continue to check back regularly for updates and important information regarding the progress of the Parks & Recreation Master Plan.
Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Reports to Council