Public Works
Roads located within the Township of Blandford-Blenheim are under the care of either the Township or the County of Oxford, including construction projects and ongoing maintenance work.
The Township Public Works department maintains approximately 331 kilometres in roads and strives to keep the Township’s roadways in good repair to ensure the safety of our residents and the travelling public.
For concerns regarding County roads, please contact the County of Oxford Public Works Department at (519) 539-9800.
The following is a list of activities the Public Works department is responsible for: grass mowing of ditches, bridges and culverts (including entrance culverts), litter pickup, shoulder grading, signs and line stripping, snowplowing/snow fencing/snow removal, yard waste/leaf depots, asphalt maintenance, gravel road maintenance (including grading and dust control), sidewalk repairs, street lights and street sweeping.
- Frequently Asked Questions about Public Works
- Installation of Irrigation Systems
- Winter Parking
- Clearing of Snow off Personal Property
- Sidewalk Plowing
- Weight Load Restrictions
- Approved Tree Species for Township Boulevards
- Municipal Servicing Standards
- Levels of Service
Hydro One
The entire Township gets its electricity from Hydro One. Call 1-888-664-9376
Call 1-877-862-7434 for customer service
Municipal water and sewage services are available in the villages of Drumbo and Plattsville only. The villages of Bright and Princeton have municipal water service. Water and sewage are handled by the Oxford County Public Works Department. They can be reached by phone at 519-539-9800.
High-speed internet is coming to Oxford County's rural communities. This means people in more remote areas will have internet service that is faster and more widely available, giving rural homes and businesses a more efficient and reliable way of connecting to the world through the internet. You can check the status of the service in your area, and sign up for the service if it is available.